Laura Gavazzi



Laura, a principal in the Milan office, specialises in forensics, litigation and arbitration.

She joined Accuracy in 2009 shortly after the Milan office was established. Prior to this, she spent four years with PriceWaterhouseCoopers in the Fraud & Investigation department and one year with Deutsche Bank in the Derivatives team.

She has spent more than 10 years specialising in (i) the quantification of financial damages resulting from the termination of commercial agreements and (ii) the preparation of expert witness reports across several industries including pharma, transportation, food & beverage, and fashion.

She also works on accounting and fraud investigations, forensic due diligence, and business intelligence activities.


  • Graduated in Financial markets – Università Bocconi, Milan

In-depth expertise

Laura’s relevant projects include the preparation and coordination of quantum expert reports and expert witness activities in litigation and arbitration matters.

She has gained extensive experience in quantifying financial damages caused by the breach of royalty agreements and providing support in the quantification of underreported royalties, licensing management projects (anti-counterfeiting and “grey market”).

She has been involved in multiple engagements for fraud investigations and criminal proceedings, supporting the client and/or the authorities in identifying mismanagement, misconduct and misrepresentation matters.

Example of engagements

  • Quantification of damages and causalities resulting from a fraud scheme put in place by the former directors of Banca Marche, admitted to extraordinary administration proceedings by the “Ministero dell’Economia e Finanze” (area: alleged mismanagement and misconduct in the credit process)
  • Technical scrutiny of events relating to sanctioning proceedings notified by Banca d’Italia for an Italian company active in the financial services (area: credit granting process, rating and scoring of the clients)
  • Prepared expert report for the quantification of damages (>EUR 100m) on two railway projects and took part in the negotiations between the parties to define an amicable settlement (local civil court)
  • Prepared expert report for the quantification of accrued damages and lost profit in litigation and arbitration cases (e.g. LCIA, ICC)
  • Financial valuation of the losses resulting from delay in delivery, warranties and penalties  in a long-term contract and support to the Company and its lawyers in preparing the related summons
  • Performed various investigations of alleged fraudulent mishandling and misreporting of the statutory financial statements (e.g. pharmaceutical, retail & consumer, financial services)
  • Performed several forensic due diligence engagements and business intelligence activities
  • Stress test (compliance risk management) on D. Lgs. 231 Model of an International bank
  • Determined damages caused by the breach of royalty agreements and provided support in the quantification of underreported royalties, licensing management projects (anti-counterfeiting and “grey market”)