Delphine Sztermer



Delphine Sztermer is a partner at Accuracy. She has over fifteen years of professional experience and has been with the firm since 2007. She previously acquired extensive experience in the audit of life and non-life insurance companies reviewing financial and actuarial elements within Mazars, an audit firm, before joining AON, an international insurance broker, for two years.

Delphine performs engagements in the insurance sector, in due diligence, valuation, and decision-making situations. With an education in engineering, Delphine also specialises in engagements with an industrial background, in sectors such as infrastructure, construction, and energy and utilities, where she provides due diligence, valuation, and litigation support services.

Delphine speaks French (mother language) and English (fluent).


  • Centrale Paris School (2002)
  • Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, Harvard University (2002)
  • Actuary (CEA 2009)

In-depth expertise

Delphine has been appointed to perform buy-side and sell-side due diligence for French corporates and private equity firms in the insurance, energy and utilities, industrial, and infrastructure sectors.

Litigation and arbitration
Delphine has been appointed as an expert witness in dispute resolution processes; quantum draft assessments, reviews, and analysis; and quantification of damages for commercial litigation cases, including construction contracts.

Delphine has worked on matters under ICC, UNCITRAL and ICSID rules, as well as in French and Belgian civil courts.

Delphine regularly performs engagements where financial, accounting and modelling skills are required to answer the strategic issues of her clients.

Example of engagements

Transaction support

  • Numerous buy-side and sell-side due diligence engagements for PE funds or industrial companies on multiple infrastructure assets: airports, gas and/or electricity transportation, production of renewable energy (wind farms, solar power, dams), district heating businesses, car parks, oil storage, pipelines, waste management concessions, etc.


Damage assessment in litigation and arbitration

  • Appointed as financial expert by a company following several breaches in its waste management contract in the Middle East (ICSID arbitration, testified as expert witness)
  • Assistance to the concessionaire of a water concession in the context of litigation with a municipality in North Africa
  • Appointed as a financial expert to quantify the losses incurred by a company producing building materials following alleged breaches in a contract with one of its suppliers (UNCITRAL arbitration, testified as expert witness)
  • Assessment of the losses incurred by a construction company on a motorway construction project in North Africa


Insurance sector

  • Numerous financial due diligence engagements in life insurance, non-life insurance, and insurance brokerage
  • Fairness opinion on a French non-life insurance company
  • Independent expert opinion on distribution agreements negotiated by the management of a large French life insurer with its distribution network
  • Valuation of a portfolio of life insurance contracts in the context of its sale to a US PE fund
  • Assistance to a French life insurer in the review of the remuneration agreements of its distribution network (benchmark and modelling of potential financial impact)