Personal data collection, storage and processing policy

1- Purpose of the Consent

1.1. Accuracy is committed to the protection of the data privacy and rights of its prospective, current and previous employees by controlling how their Personal Data is collected, stored and processed.

1.2. Pursuant to the requirement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which replaced the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC on 25 May 2018, Accuracy is required to obtain your consent in order to continue to collect, store and process your Personal Data.

1.3. By clicking I AGREE below you consent to the processing of your Personal Data by Accuracy both inside and outside the European Economic Area in accordance with Accuracy’s Privacy and Data Protection Policy (“the Policy”).

2- Accuracy’s Privacy and Data Protection Policy

2.1. The Policy is published on Accuracy’s website and is periodically updated. Accuracy agrees to adhere to the Policy and, to the extent that they are relevant, you and Accuracy agree that its definitions and terms apply to the relationship between us.

3- Source of Personal Data

3.1. The relevant Personal Data in relation to your application comprises the information you provide during your application process, including (among other things) your contact details, curriculum vitae and other personal data which you may be asked to provide.

4-  Purpose of Personal Data processing

4.1. Accuracy shall process your personal data (including, where necessary, sensitive personal data, such terms being defined in the GDPR) in their paper-based and computerised systems. You consent to the processing of such data both inside and, where necessary, outside the European Economic Area for the purposes of:

(a) salary, benefits and pensions administration and employee management, should an employment contract be concluded between you and Accuracy;

(b) health administration and for the purposes of health insurance/benefits as applicable;

(c) training and appraisal, including previous performance and disciplinary records;

(d) equal opportunities monitoring;

(e) promoting or marketing of the Company and/or any Group Company and/or its or their products or services;

(f) compliance with applicable procedures, laws and regulations; and/or

(g) any other reasonable purposes in connection with your application and/or employment (should such a contract be concluded between us) about which you shall be notified from time to time.

4.2. You agree to use all reasonable endeavours to keep Accuracy informed of any changes to your personal data or sensitive personal data and to comply with all relevant data protection legislation.

5. Storage and Processing of your Personal Data

5.1. You acknowledge and accept that in order to fulfil the purposes set out above, it may be necessary to pass your Personal Data (or Sensitive Data, as appropriate) to regulatory bodies, government agencies and other third parties as required by law or for administration purposes.

5.2. Your Personal Data will be stored in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed.

6. Acceptance

By signing this consent and authorisation, you acknowledge and agree that your Personal Data can be processed, stored or disclosed pursuant to the consent.