Sustainable development goals

All employees are encouraged to propose new initiatives and to play an active role in our contribution as a responsible corporate citizen.

In order to support its ESG vision, Accuracy is focusing on the seven following UN sustainable development goals:

Acc’tion on SDG 2

We believe everyone deserves access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food, as well as to live without fear of hunger or malnutrition.

  • Donation to Zero Hunger
  • Ramadan meals distribution

Acc’tion on SDG 3


Reve D’Enfance

Accuracy has been supporting Rêve d’Enfance since 2007 by sponsoring its main project: the organisation of a charity boat trip to Corsica.

Rêve d’Enfance is an association that was founded in 2001 by a group of students from the HEC business school. Its goal is to support children as they recover from serious illnesses. Each year, HEC students volunteer their time to help sick children and teenagers have some fun and speed up their recovery.

For further information, visit:


Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epiniere – ICM (Brain & Spine Institute)

Accuracy is proud to support the ICM – Brain & Spine Institute, an international brain and spinal cord research centre, which brings together patients, doctors and researchers with the aim of rapidly developing treatments for nervous system disorders and enabling patients to benefit from the treatments as quickly as possible.

For further information, visit:

Acc’tion on SDG 4

At Accuracy, we fund and support not-for-profits working in education or with underprivileged youth and supporting the next generation.


Accur’Involved was founded in 2013 by Accuracians and is managed by Accuracians in order to offer Accuracy and all interested parties the opportunity to support social projects they care about in a flexible yet professional way.

Over the years, our organisation has grown and we are pleased to now have the involvement and support not only of Accuracians, but also of friends and family, Accuracy alumni and clients.

Accur’Involved supports children and adolescents in need.

We believe that every child has the fundamental right to grow up in a protected and loving environment, free from violence and poverty. Our vision is to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and offer them hope as well as a perspective for the future.

Since our foundation, we have supported a number of projects that are particularly close to our hearts, in which we feel that we can really make a difference with the skills, time and funds that we contribute. These projects have ranged from providing support to disadvantaged children from a rural area in Ecuador as part of our first project, “Achikilla”.

We aim to find a balance between projects “on our doorstep” that are local to the Accuracy offices worldwide, as well as projects in regions where children face significantly worse conditions than where we are and therefore have a particular need for our support. For this, we carefully select our cooperation partners according to our standards.

What Accur’Involved stands for:

Concern for others

We have a genuine and heartfelt interest in the people and the projects we support. We believe that helping others less fortunate than ourselves is an important part of our social responsibility.

Integrity and professionalism

We apply the same, high professional and ethical standards to our not-for-profit activities that we apply to everything else we do.

Personal involvement and commitment

We believe in getting involved with a hands-on mentality. This means not only giving financial support but above all contributing time, ideas, talent and our professional skills where we feel that they make the greatest difference.


We are willing to learn from others and to leave our comfort zone in order to find the most effective way of helping people in need.

Article 1 (formerly Frateli)

We work actively with Article 1, previously Frateli before its merger with Passport Avenir. Founded in 2004, this charity is dedicated to helping young people from less privileged backgrounds to prepare for professional life. Our consultants mentor the young candidates, helping them prepare for interviews and find jobs. For further information, visit:

Acc’tion on SDG 5

Accuracy is improving gender parity with specific actions around retention of women and the “Women at Accuracy” initiative.

Accuracy is supporting the programme “Follow Her” from Hello Asso.

Acc’tion on SDG 10 

  • We provide human and financial support for athletes with disabilities in preparation for the 2024 Paralympic Game.
  • We are adapting our recruitment processes to ensure equal access to people with disabilities.
  • Bridges for Enterprise:
    Our London office facilitated a workshop on the valuation of start-ups at the University of Cambridge. This workshop was organised by Bridges for Enterprise, a pro bono consulting organisation aimed at social enterprises. In addition to equipping students with tools to add value, we assisted Bridges for Enterprise in providing financial advice to Nafa Naana, a company providing energy and microfinance solutions in Burkina Faso.
    For further information, visit:

Acc’tion on SDG 11

Acc’tion on SDG 13 

We take our commitment to the environment very seriously.  We are constantly implementing new measures to reduce our carbon footprint and maximise efficiency.  Here are just some of the actions that we take at Accuracy to do our part for the environment: