Hervé de Trogoff



Hervé de Trogoff is a partner at Accuracy. He is a founding partner of Accuracy UK and leads Accuracy’s Project Advisory and Dispute services globally.

Hervé has multiple years of experience as a construction management professional further developing his career with contractors and consultants in a number of challenging international environments.

He graduated as a civil engineer and later completed an MBA at the London Business School, where he specialised in project finance, corporate finance and project risk management.

Hervé specialises in advisory and dispute resolution services to the construction and manufacturing industries. He provides mediation and expert advice to owners, developers, contractors and other project actors on projects and programmes, project valuation, time-risk management and project audits, and prepares cost and time models on long-term projects. He acts as expert witness on all forms of delay analysis and losses of productivity on projects worldwide.

Hervé speaks English, French and Spanish and has a basic understanding of the Finnish language.


  • Master of Business Administration, London Business School (2004-2006), specialised in project finance, corporate finance and project risk management.
  • Master of Civil Engineering – (HONS), first class. Ecole des Hautes Etudes Industrielles (HEI) Lille, France
  • Erasmus Programme at the University of Manchester – School of Civil Engineering (1998-1999)
  • CEDR mediator
  • Dialogue Road Map Mediator and Facilitator – Peaceful Solutions

In-depth expertise

Hervé specialises in project advisory and forensic construction planning and programming in a variety of contexts.

He has been appointed as a delay expert witness in UK High Court litigation and international arbitration under ICC, ICSID, LCIA, UNCITRAL, CACFEDF, Swiss CCI and other ad hoc rules. He has given evidence in English and French and has acted as joint party appointed independent expert in mediations.

Over recent years, Hervé has developed his mediation practice, focussing on the amicable resolution of complex manufacturing, construction or commercial disputes.

Example of engagements


  • Expert witness in the context of delays and disruption during the construction of an offshore wind farm in Europe. Provided written and oral evidence in ICC arbitration.
  • Independent delay and disruption expert to advise a Spanish contractor on a $4bn transport infrastructure project in South America in the context of an ICC arbitration in USA.
  • Delay expert witness for a French multinational company on a €35mn train manufacturing dispute under ICC rules of arbitration in Brussels. Provided oral expert testimony to the tribunal.
  • Delay expert on behalf of the EPCM company in a dispute against the owner on the construction of a $12bn new international airport in the middle-east.
  • Independent expert to assess the reasonableness of the EPC contractor’s scope assessment and pricing of a $750mn gas pipeline project in North Africa.
  • Expert witness on behalf of the Government of Turkey on a real estate dispute in Turkey. Provided written and oral evidence in an ICSID arbitration.


  • Advising the owner of a $7bn mining, process and infrastructure portfolio on time and cost to completion issues, in particular relating to current negotiations or disputes with the EPC contractors on the projects.
  • Advised the contractor on the merits of its case for delay and disruption on a €650m motorway project in North Africa.
  • Advised the owner of two new nuclear facilities in Europe, on time and cost to completion risks.